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My Maintenance Crew Will Transform Your Property

For All Your Home Renovations, Property Maintenance and Handyman Contracting

My Maintenance Crew is an Unashamedly Ethical Company


Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a different way.

My Maintenance Crew has been creative in all aspects of the renovation, maintenance and handyman services we provide.
You have a picture in your mind as to what the final result would be in whatever changes you want to have done to your property.
Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, and through creativity and craftsmanship we will turn that image you have into reality.

Renovations Cape Town Stellenbosch installed granite slab and copper bath


My Maintenance Crew is a multi skilled company that provides turnkey services with a the mindset to having one contractor on your property that takes the services we provide to finish any project from start to finish. We take responsibility for what takes place on the property while we are there, within the limitations of the work being carried out, and therefore the owner have one person to approach.

Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You can rely on our experience that we have built up since 2007. Having done renovations, maintenance work and handyman services for two rental agents with large port folios, and worked in multiple occupied homes and apartments, our skills have been honed to refinement to serve you with home renovations, property maintenance and handyman contracting services.


“The key to quality and efficiency is professionalism”. All our services we provide are done with quality and efficiency.

We turn houses into homes and add value to your property.

We approach all the home renovations, property maintenance or handyman repairs that you want done to your property, with the same attitude, that is, to provide you with phenomenal service. It has become a habit in our approach.

The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of a low price is forgotten.